Conference Agenda

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Registration and Refreshments

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Welcome and Opening Address

ACC Jenny Gilmer, NPCC National Strategic Lead CCTV

9:45 AM - 10:35 AM
Regulators and Standards Update

An update from the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner- Professor Fraser Sampson, Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner- An update highlighting the importance and value of CCTV regulation as well as an update on the latest version of the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice. 

Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021: Gary Pugh, Forensic Science Regulator - In April 2021 the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 gained Royal Assent. The Forensic Science Regulator will set out the main provisions of the Act and the implications for those organisations that carry forensic examinations including the forensic recovery and use of CCTV footage.

Followed by a Panel Discussion with Questions Taken from Slido.

10:35 AM - 11:00 AM
Refreshment Break

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer 

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
NPCC National Capabilities Work CCTV

CCTV National Capabilities Work- Andy Read, NPCC National Capabilities Manager CCTV- A brief overview of the work the CCTV capabilities and working groups have achieved over the past year and work moving forward. 

The Home Office Impact of Forensic Science project- A model for measuring impact on the CJS- Marie Barrett, Forensic Policy Manager, Home Office- Forensic science delivers important and largely positive contributions to the CJS. However, the detailed impact of forensic science is not understood in any measurable way. Our project has developed a model of measurement, reflecting forensic value at "Impact Points" through the course of the investigation and prosecution of a crime.  

Capturing Killers: Contributions and Challenges When Using CCTV in Homicide Investigations - Dr Helen Jones, Research Fellow and Professor Fiona Brookman, Professor of Criminology, University of South Wales - Based on analysis of data gathered during an ethnographic study of 44 British homicide investigations, we discuss the value of CCTV and illustrate how benefits might not be realised because of challenges associated with how CCTV footage is recovered, viewed, shared, interpreted, and packaged by the police for court.

Panel Discussion with Questions Taken from Slido.

National CCTV Landscape Survey Results- DI Dale Pope, South Wales Police - The NPCC National CCTV Working Group issued a landscape survey to assess the maturity of CCTV and identify areas of change needed to support an improved and more effective way to manage CCTV across policing. 40 Police Forces contributed capturing the working practices and responsibilities of the frontline to SRO.

Ways of Working and IT Cloud- Suzie Ketteridge, Metropolitan Police Service 

Revised CCTV Retrieval Training - Dr Ken MacLennan-Brown, Associate, Lead Trainer, College of Policing and Jimmy Battle, Senior Policy Advisor Digital & Cyber, College of Policing - An update on the revised training package to be offered by The College of Policing. Illustrating how this aligns with the changing use of CCTV, developments in the industry and the requirements from the Forensic Science Regulator. 

Framework Service Level Agreement (SLA) guidance document for police forces and local authorities- DI Dale Pope, South Wales Police and Tony Gleason, Chairman Public CCTV Managers Association- Promote the Framework Service Level Agreement (SLA), partnership working, identify smarter, efficient and cost-effective ways of working whilst utilising the huge benefits of professionally monitored local authority CCTV.

Followed by a Panel Discussion with Questions Taken from Slido. 

Avon & Somerset Digital Video Unit (DVU) Court Presentation Methods- David Mathews, Regional Forensic Video and Audio Manager- The purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of the methods used by the Avon & Somerset Digital Video Unit for court presentation, the history of how this process was reached and the benefits of utilising the Office 365 system for delivery.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch and Networking

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer 

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
BSCC Strand Updates

Surveillance Camera Output Standard- Alex Carmichael, Chief Executive, SSAIB- The digital surveillance market and a surveillance camera output standard. 

City Wide Evidence Management Solution- Chief Superintendent (Ret) Shaun Morley, South Yorkshire Police- The issue, problems and potential solutions to the collection, sharing and storage of digital evidence with a focus on CCTV and Video. 

The Governance of eMerging Tech: Issues for Surveillance Camera Provision- Professor William Webster, Professor of Public Policy and Management, Director of the Centre for Research into Information Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP)- The presentation will explore governance issues associated with contemporary emerging technology with specific reference to surveillance camera and Body-Worn Video. In particular, the presentation will highlight that it is not necessarily the newness of the technology that poses challenges, but the way that technologies merge to facilitate enhanced capability.

Followed by a Panel Discussion with Questions Taken from Slido.

3:00 PM - 3:25 PM
Beyond Mission-critical Communications

David Gregory, Video Account Executive, Motorola Solutions
As a provider of mission-critical solutions to public safety and enterprise organisations, Motorola Solutions is proud of the role we have played for almost 100 years in helping people be their best in the moments that matter, keeping communities safe and supporting businesses to thrive. The role that video technology plays in mission critical solutions continues to grow exponentially. In this session Dave Gregory explores how the Motorola Solutions technology portfolio extends beyond traditional mission-critical communications and how state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence powered video solutions can support your staff, manage risk and optimise resources while keeping commitment to work in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

3:25 PM - 3:40 PM
Refreshment Break

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer 

3:40 PM - 4:25 PM
Workshop Sessions

Empire Suite- Accreditation and Training - Andy Read, National Capabilities Manager CCTV, South Wales Police. Suzie Ketteridge, Metropolitan Police Service. Neil Purton, Operations Manager CCTV, British Transport Police. Trisha van Rooyen, UKAS and Ken MacLennan Brown. 

This workshop will be an informal discussion to explore the subject areas in a little more depth than the main plenary presentation. The workshop will look at the new Forensic Science Regulator requirements and training along with a discussion around the video processing and analysis manual. 

SS Great Britain Suite- Service Level Agreement / Office Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner - Tony Gleason, BCP Council - Service Level Agreement and DI Dale Pope, South Wales Police. 

The NPCC CCTV Working Group have been engaged with key stakeholders to improve the quality and effectiveness of CCTV across policing. The group fully supports the publication of the SLA by the BSCC which has been identified as a crucial part of any partnership working arrangements between organisations.

CCTV evidence is the primary consideration in around 90% of all investigations and is the main detection factor in over one third of all justice outcomes. CCTV is also 100% effective for establishing crimes have been committed, linking crimes, identifying victims, establishing cause of death, eliminating post charge suspects, charging suspects, and providing admission of guilt, and is over 96% effective in identifying persons of interest. In times of austerity it is even more critical for the police to work with local authorities to demonstrate this effectiveness and prove the legitimacy and justification of CCTV evidence.

The aim of the workshop is to examine a number of key areas of collaborative working including Information Sharing Agreements, directed surveillance, vetting, training, sharing live images, identify financial savings, feedback and the welfare of staff.

Conservatory-  City Wide Evidence Management Solution- Chief Superintendent (Ret) Shaun Morley 

The issues, problems and potential solutions to the collection, sharing and storage of digital evidence with a focus on CCTV and Video.

4:25 PM - 4:50 PM
Making Intelligent Use of Technology

Rt Hon Alun Michael, Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales

Technology can only be fully effective if its strengths and weaknesses are understood with the need to protect the public balanced
with a clear understanding of civil liberties. Governance and regulation are important but so are communication, engagement and effectiveness. Debates about Facial Recognition Technology and Tasers have shown the importance of these considerations. CCTV was innovative 30 years ago and then taken for granted until they started to break down and need replacing – we need to build in constant evaluation and refresh. Trust and confidence are essential. Effective collaboration between policing and local authorities is key to maximising benefits.

4:50 PM - 5:00 PM
End of Day One Re-Cap / Closing Statements

ACC Jenny Gilmer, NPCC National Strategic Lead CCTV

7:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Pre Dinner Drinks & Evening Dinner

Cash bar 

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Refreshments and Networking

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer 

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Introduction to Day Two

ACC Jenny Gilmer, NPCC National strategic lead CCTV

9:10 AM - 10:10 AM
Technology Innovation and Developments

CPS Data Transfer Capabilities- Jane Robinson, Head of Operational Process Transformation Unit and Nicole Furzeland, Change Manager, Crown Prosecution Service - Presentation from CPS on their strategy and requirements for evidence sharing platforms. Looking at the history of how media was received through to the use of DEMs platforms and future developments.

HMCTS Digital Court Programme- Mike Edgerton, Head of Video, Infrastructure and Workplace- The HMCTS Digital Court Programme is an ambitious initiative to expand and modernise the provision of audio-visual technology in the courtroom to support the increased use of video as a result of the Covid pandemic and the underlying growing need to present high-quality digital evidence to in-court and remote attendees.

CCTV on the Rail Network- Neil Purton, Operations Manager CCTV, British Transport Police - A look at how BTP maximises opportunities with CCTV across the rail network through collaboration with rail partners and investing in technology. Please note that this session is for Law Enforcement Only. 

10:10 AM - 10:50 AM
Supporter Lightning Talks

The chance for exhibitors to showcase their product or service in a short speaking slot.

10:50 AM - 11:15 AM
Refreshment Break

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer 

11:15 AM - 12:35 PM
Workshop Sessions

Empire Suite -The shooting of Taylor Patterson - Detective Superintendent Mark O'Shea, Senior Investigating Officer and Detective Sergeant Lauren Wells, CCTV Co-ordinator, South Wales Police- In 2020 a gun and machete attack took place in Cardiff in what the lead Prosecutor referred to in Crown Court as a 'gangland hit'. Over a period of many months, hundreds of hours of CCTV footage was gathered and analysed across many districts of Cardiff. Following this painstaking work by a team of Detectives from South Wales Police Major Crime Investigation Team they were able to identify the identity and the movements of two suspects. They were also able to recover key evidence including two firearms. The presentation explains the methodology used in the case and how CCTV played a vital role in securing convictions.

SS Great Britain Suite - Managing CCTV through DEMS/DAMS - Suzie Ketteridge, Metropolitan Police Service. Neil Purton, British Transport Police. Jane Robinson, Head of Operational Process Transformation Unit, Crown Prosecution Service and Shelley Wilson, Forensic Capability Network

A look at the complexities of managing CCTV through DEMS/DAMS with the plethora of CCTV codecs on the market. Discussion to include:

  • What makes a DEMS/DAMS suitable for CCTV ingestion?
  • What problems have forces encountered when establishing a DEMS in force?
  • How are DEMS/DAMS impacted by accreditation and what safeguards do they need to have in place?
  • What national guidance needs to be in place to ensure DEMS/DAMS are fit for purpose?
  • Future connectors and requirements from DEMS/DAMS


12:35 PM - 1:45 PM
Lunch and Networking

Served in the Bristol Suite Foyer

1:45 PM - 2:15 PM
International Working

AI4CITIZENS- Responsible Al for Citizen Safety in Future Smart Cities- Dr Bente Skattor, Senior Advisor Oslo Police District- Al has the potential to improve crime prevention and the efficiency of investigations. However, surveillance technologies are often met with challenges related to privacy and the aversion of the public concerning its potential (ab)use. The Al4citizens project focuses on these challenges with a societal and technological approach by developing Al anonymization solutions. 

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
National Work

NPCC and DSTL Retrieval Guidance Update- Dr Neil Cohen and Dr Ken MacLennan-Brown, DSTL- Providing an update on the retrieval guidance, detailing key changes and overall picture. A look at the re-introduction of the Video Manual- proposed update and purpose. 

Video Analytics and Datasets- Dr Neil Cohen, DSTL- Developing a ground-truthed multimedia dataset to support the assessment of the novel video analytics technologies, in particular to get an understanding of how effective they are in representative policing scenarios.  

Home Office Science, CCTV and the connected environment- DCI Ed McBryde-Wilding, Police Adviser Cyber & InfoSec, Home Office Science Commissioning- The presentation will outline the work of the Home Office Science Commissioning Hub and how to engage with them. It will give an overview of some of the current work, particularly focussing on Science and Technology relevant to CCTV.

Role of the FCN- R&D supporting Forensic Science and Technology- Carolyn Lovell, Forensic Capability Network R&D Lead- The aim of the presentation is to provide a short overview of the role of the FCN with specific focus on research and development in the Forensic Science Domain. 

Followed by a Panel Discussion with Questions Taken from Slido

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM
Closing Statements

ACC Jenny Gilmer, NPCC National Strategic Lead CCTV

Followed by a short video to showcase a thought to the future of CCTV.