
We are very pleased to announce the award categories for this year’s III Conference. All Awards are open to people working in UK Law enforcement, whether that is within a police force or a partner agency such as NCA, HMPPS, HMRC, Home Office or other unit. The awards will be presented at the Conference dinner on Wednesday 19th June.

Awarded to a team or department for their outstanding commitment and contribution to Law enforcement utilizing their III Skills. This team will have shown through the application of III techniques what can be achieved to support and progress investigations. This may be a team that has raised the profile of III or brought in an innovative approach to utilising III within Law enforcement.

Awarded to an individual who demonstrated the benefits and possibilities of using III. Someone who showcases the best of our capability, or who has developed others, shaped best practice, and raised the profile of III; inspiring and supporting others to improve their III skills. This could be someone who has supported the capability over many years or someone who has really “championed” III in the last year.

An individual who has shown exceptional skill, commitment, or tenacity in the application of their III skills to support and progress investigations/operations. This individual may have had an enormous impact on an investigation enabling a faster resolution or uncovering intelligence and evidence that supported a successful prosecution. Their work may have saved time and resources or been crucial in the investigation.

This award celebrates the unsung heroes of the III community. Their work may not hit headlines and their efforts often go unnoticed, but they have had a profound impact on vulnerable victims or communities. They have shown exceptional dedication to making a difference through their work. This may have been directly or indirectly, demonstrated through intelligence work that led to breakthroughs for the investigation. The nominees may have involved developing innovative solutions or processes to make colleagues work easier. Their work may be considered more routine in nature but no less valuable in meeting aims of the organisation or investigation. This award acknowledges the invaluable behind the scenes work that is often overlooked, highlighting the importance of sustained and committed effort in creating a positive impact for the communities we serve.

Please send nominations on template attached here to Claire Harvey by 15th May 2024.