We are Forensic Analytics: Digital Forensic Experts

Today, 90% of all crime has a digital component. The need for Police innovation in tackling criminal ingenuity is greater than ever. 

We use our vast sector expertise to support the government and law enforcement agencies to get to the answers they need quickly.

Our hardware and software products allow users to analyse complex and diverse data sets to an evidential standard from crime scene to courtroom.

Many in our team were police officers, their experience combined with our proven track record, is the reason UK law enforcement, and our courts, trust Forensic Analytics and CSAS.

We're committed to supporting you as digital forensics evolves, using our expertise to help you tackle your toughest challenges. Our team empowers your team, to protect the most vulnerable and swiftly convict those that cause harm.



CSAS is our most widely used product & it’s a hugely popular tool across LEA. It's a powerful and secure investigative platform trusted by law enforcement and the criminal justice system throughout the UK.

CSAS empowers investigation and intelligence teams to get to their answers quicker by rapidly cleansing large data sets to produce actionable intelligence. CSAS also helps create reports to a robust evidential standard through enhanced processing of call data and handset records, downloads, ANPR, social media takeout data and more.


CellView™ is a game changer, offering instant real-world detail to digital forensics maps without having to wait. It interrogates crowd-sourced cell usage data to deliver precise and up-to-date visualisation of the area covered by a cell. 

Based on data from apps installed on smartphones which send regular location data reports indicating the time, current GPS fix and the cell that a phone is using. This intelligence is compiled into a searchable database connected to CSAS to provide accurate results, quickly.

CDAN Nexus

CDAN Nexus enables law enforcement agencies to bring together large volumes of disparate data sets to provide a rich intelligence and evidence picture in real time straight to the frontline. 

CDAN provides Investigators with a powerful search function allowing them to search for single or multiple identifiers at once across data sets. Its automated analysis capability provides investigators with instant access to crucial information enabling them to identify key lines of enquiry immediately and make more informed decisions in line with the National Decision-Making process. 

Lima Cell Monitor

Lima Cell Monitor is an easy-to-use piece of radio frequency surveying hardware, built specifically for law enforcement to record cellular coverage areas. With SIM-based surveying, it emulates mobile handset behaviour and can provides surveying to accurately identify which cell carried a call. 

Lima is 5G ready, providing evidential quality data from 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G Cellular and Wifi RF surveying. This data can be viewed and used in CSAS. With a simple set up, you pop it in a rucksack and go. Lima is weatherproof, shockproof, has no moving parts and fits within a standard daysack weighing 4.7Kg, making RF much more accessible for investigations.