Internet Investigation Solutions has the capabilities, expertise and knowledge to support your Professional Standards requirements and challenges.

Long Arm is the mass deployable solution designed for Internet Intelligence and Investigations (III) providing the core capabilities required by its users. Already used by almost 15,000 members of UK law enforcement and Government agencies, Long Arm provides a platform for secure managed attribution access to the internet, research toolkits and the ability to capture online information in a secure and audited manner.


Collaboraite provides data, AI products and engines integrated in Long Arm to accelerate research, investigation and data analysis. The capability solves investigative challenges by leveraging existing III research to enhance investigations and avoid duplication of effort as well as protecting staff from harmful online content.


Vestigo provides the very best in digital and internet investigation training with exclusive training on the Long Arm platform offering a full range of III core skills, online research and digital investigation courses.


We look forward to meeting you at our stand in the exhibition area.