Geoff Smith Associates Ltd (GSA) and our partners Altia, produce software solutions for police forces and the public sector. Our solutions are used by every police force in the UK; users in all councils and supplying systems internationally. We have designed and developed highly configurable intelligence, investigations and case management solutions for police, LEA’s, regulatory bodies, Whistle Blowers and many other organisations. 


Over 60% of UK LEA’s use GSA CycComms authorisation process for communications data. Our new National Comms Data platform utilises AWS for the very best speed and security. It includes “auto acquire”; which has revolutionised the work for Covert Telecoms Intelligence Units. It also has a National Intelligence database, which assist serious and organised crime investigations and professional standards/ ACU investigations by having the ability for cross border sharing intelligence gains.


Our cloud hosted Disclosure and Information Request Case Management solution, and our Vetting Management software offer the perfect solutions for every aspect of tracking requests.