WPC Software is an established provider of information technology solutions with a strong focus on the public sector. WPC Software design and develop complex applications across a number of business areas. This includes our vetting management solution, WPC Core-Vet, and our investigation management system, Crimson.


WPC Core-Vet is currently in use in 43 UK Police Forces as well as other organisations. It is our web-based vetting management system, designed to manage the entire vetting process, from notification that vetting is required; to the receipt of an application; to the checking process; through to the post-clearance after-care. The solution includes a powerful online applications module that allows applicants to submit vetting information electronically, which is then uploaded directly into the system. This also improves data quality as it validates applicant data and ensures it is in the correct format before the application is sent through to vetting staff.


Crimson is our investigation and case management software solution designed to support investigators working in the public sector. The system manages all investigative material in one location, helping to streamline the investigation process and reduce administrative burdens. Crimson allows and even prompts for disclosure assessments to take place on all investigative material as an ongoing, continual process. Case preparation and court documentation, such as schedules and exhibit & statement bundles, can then be easily produced at the click of a button, saving a huge amount of investigator time.