Harod is a world-leading commercial intelligence and investigations firm, staffed by former leading UK Government investigators, many with over 30 years’ experience in conducting global intelligence and investigations to the highest levels of international legal standards. We represent a bespoke one-stop capability for investigation, intelligence, vetting and due diligence needs.

Using AI voice analytics powered by Clearspeed, and proprietary Seeker XR investigations software Project Verity is a bespoke solution to managing risk in relation to recruitment, vetting, and continuous integrity testing. Encompassing key areas such as alcohol and drug use, sexual misconduct, finances, criminality, and mental resilience.

The technology is highly accurate and proven across a variety of government departments and private sector companies. 

User cases include recruitment for the US Marine Corps and Project Newton which is a UK pilot with six police forces to manage risk in relation to registered sex offenders.

Join us at stand 9 to discuss your requirements.