LinkSpace: A Case Management Tool for the intelligence community

Ctrl O (pronounced Control O) provides the award-winning software LinkSpace, a Case Management System that’s particularly suited for intelligence casework. LinkSpace is used in the Ministry of Defence and multiple departments in the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), including Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and the National Intelligence Unit, the NIU.

LinkSpace has robust security, can be configured nimbly, and is extremely flexible. Varied workflows can be created for different types of casework, whilst access can be fine-tuned for viewing or editing various data fields for different staff.

Designated admin users can configure LinkSpace themselves, and our clients find this very useful. Data fields can be changed at the touch of a button, and role-based permissions can be split into dozens of groups if necessary – with staff able to view, approve or comment on specific data areas, depending on their role, department amd security clearance.

As a result, LinkSpace allows secure and effective collaboration of staff from different departments, and even enables multiple agency access, without risking data exposure. It’s therefore ideal for collaborative casework in sensitive operations.

Come and say hello to see how LinkSpace can help you …

Feedback from staff at the MOJ about LinkSpace …

“When we first started using LinkSpace, we had no idea how much it could do”


“LinkSpace works! It's very rare to get IT services that work exactly as needed, and this one does”

“It can be amended whenever needed, so that it can be made to work exactly how it is needed”


“The usability is fantastic”