Your Partner in the Digital Age of Policing

For over four decades, CACI has been at the forefront of digital innovation, providing cutting-edge innovative solutions. Our deep expertise in digital technology and data allows us to extract critical intelligence and evidence that supports our law enforcement clients.

Our key services include:

  • Digital Forensics: Our UKAS ISO 17025-accredited laboratory provides comprehensive digital forensic analysis, helping to solve complex crimes. We also offer a unique end-to-end Digital Forensic Proficiency Testing service, the only one of its kind in Europe.
  • Application Development: We design and develop user-centric web applications that empower law enforcement officers to make informed decisions and streamline operations.
  • OSINT: our powerful AI enhanced software suite designed to help organisations safely and effectively navigate the open, deep, and dark web. With an easy to navigate user-friendly interface and advanced analytics tools to uncover valuable insights and intelligence