Coeus Software will be showing:

PoliceBox®: A frontline digital mobility platform designed to help officers with their daily duties with minimum training.  It provides a single user interface record information and access all systems for which they have access, including RMS and CAD.  The app can search databases, record information such as statements, notebook entries, traffic offence reports, and much more. Assignments can be pushed out to officers via its API. Smart datatypes such as ANPR, Driving Licence OCR, Fingerprint ID are built in.  A no-code design and delivered via cloud services with an API for integration, it provides a cost-effective agile solution to keep pace with fast changing requirements in policing.

CheckPlate®: A handheld ANPR application for mass screening of vehicles by foot patrol users. It can be used to detect vehicles of interest, collect reads of vehicle plates in an area, and detect vehicles not found on an approved list. All reads are geo-located and time stamped and include a plate image.